˜٭♥þЯїйċỄ§§'ş ЌỉŋġÐỗM♥٭˜

i like to wonder a lot... wonder if my dreams would come true... if i have a happy ever after like in fairy tales...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hello... kami datang sbb nak duit raya!~

my dad was using the comp
so i didn't post anything.
now let me tell ya wat happened

At School

wen we arrived, it was raining...
so, no perhimpunan...
n then there was bm... usual
and then sejarah... well, teacher gave us a test
me n iza got 1 salah sooo...
tak dapat rotan lah

then... rehat
u know i'm a pengawas percubaan ryt???
well, i'm supposed 2 jaga tangga yg dekat ngan kantin tu
or more specificly, tangga D1...
i was bored... first, talked a bit with farah n all...
then they went away so i was left alone...
mas, (my companion) didn't come...
n there i was... all alone

wen the bell rang, i juz went away... n met shakina...
we talked a bit... n bla bla bla...
then we passed the 3RK, we were talking bout the past
then, by a coincidence,
i was saying (while looking at my book)
wat's past has past. u can do nothing to change it.
n then i looked at shakina (who was on my left)
n was face 2 face with shaza n the gang...
n wat the wierd thing was...
they y'all started coughing like mad
when we passed the 3RK,
i said to sha
'they have smoking probs'
n everything was back to normal

After School

nothing really happened next...
but after school, it was awesome!
me, momoi, susu n aina were planin 2 go beraya
but it started raining... so i had 2 wait...
wen i got out, i saw susu n momoi walking in the park
wen i got to them,
momoi asked:
'fatin, knapa pakai tebalik?'
i thot she was talking bout my shirt, so i checked my sleeve n said,
'apa?? betul lah macam ni. mana ada tebalik..'
so we went to aina's house first n while we waited,
i checked my tudung
n noticed
it was inside out.
so i was like- a wide-eyed n fool-faced moron who said
'eh, terbalik lah'
momoi was like
'tulah, aku dah cakap terbalik... x nak dengar'
'aku ingatkan kau cakap fasal baju aku. cakaplah tudung'
'memandai je... dari jauhkan, perasan macam fatin pakai tudung fesyen baru'
so we were like talking n bla bla bla

then, izzat came out
izzat: 'wei, korang datang ke sini nak buet pa?'
momoi: 'beraya! nak collect duit raya ni...'
izzat: 'ah, jap eh'
fatin: 'izzat!!! ur leaving ur guests in the rain!~'
izzat: 'tapi... ah~ ye lah ye lah'
n wen we went in, we started to talk with aina n her fam
a few days ago,
susu was joking bout coming here 2 minang izzat
yesterday, aina burst the bubble
aina: 'wei, adik. hari tu kan. nurul cakap nak minang kau'
fatin: 'a'ah lah... haha, lupa lak'
susu: 'ish... mana ada. pandai je lebih'
izzat: 'bukan nak minang kite, die tu nak minang faris'
susu: 'mana ada aku cakap hari tu nak minang faris! awaklah'
in half a second,
we were bursting with laughter.
terlepas jugak secret nurul.
masa salam uncle,
aina was like...
haha, tak de duit raya...
n then wen we were walking 2 my house
(afiq, izzat,ifwat n others joined in)
ifwat was like...
'STOP, STOP!!! Sume orang bebaris kat depan ni, salam ngan aku. ni ada duit raya'
they gave us rm5.
n they say I"M rich

at my house, nothing really happened
they were a big noise though
n fat eaters
one more coockie, n they'll blow
my mom suddenly appeared n said
'nah, sape nak duit raya~~'
n there goes the parade.
but i had some others too
special 4 them
so thy were like (wen we were walking 2 fatin suraya's house)
aina: 'Fatin, nak duit'
izzat: 'fatin~ fatin cantiklah'
ifwat: 'fatin baik ah'
momoi: 'alah, nak skarang!'
n they were babbling until the junction
n i got out the duit raya n said
'sape nak duit raya kena kejar kite..'
n then..
wat did i do??? la-duh~ run
they were like big hippos on a marching band
we passed faris's house...
n momoi was like..
'eh susu, terlepas lah.'
i gave them the duit raya. n yh, they were happy.
smiling their heads off too.
my mom gave em rm5
n i gave em rm10.

at fatin's house, it was kinda nice... wen i saw fatin,
i was like.
(on my knees n hugging her leg)
'fatin!!!~~ i'm so sorry fatin'
she was totally freaked out
haha, won't forget her face.
i met her lil sis 2.
wat's her name??
well, i still liked her.
i also did the begging thing wen we went to nurul's.
fatin suraya came along.

at nurul's,
we ate a bit,
chatted a bit...
n wen i needed 2 go home,
(n every1 else)
every1 got duit raya
exept me
-cuz i ald got it last tym
n wat i did was weird.
puppy dog face.
in the end, aunty gave me.
i know, i know.
i'm evil.
hee hee


nothing much really... read a bit.
n researched 4 sejarah n fell aslp,.
did u know that i'm all emo.
not a lot of ppl know
-especially not my fam
they won't care anyway
n call me weird n stuff
so... it's no use.
i got a bit emo again..
thinking bout the past n all

haidrl called.
u know, he's really nice
not the type that stresses u out but makes u feel better
i don't have a crush on him or anything
i juz like him as a brother
-since my bro is torture

i fell aslp while doing sejarah

n i know... i blab a lot.
nvr knew i'd talk this much
well, gtg now.
dad wants 2 use the comp.
so. bubye!
ppl make mistakes,
they can't avoid it...
so to every1 out there...
forgive ppl in every way
don't make em suffer like wat i'm facing.
nyt2 every1.
u 2 kingdom.


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