˜٭♥þЯїйċỄ§§'ş ЌỉŋġÐỗM♥٭˜

i like to wonder a lot... wonder if my dreams would come true... if i have a happy ever after like in fairy tales...

Saturday, October 25, 2008


wat happened yesterday???
nothing really.

at first, i wanted to go to
farah's house n
teacher irma
daddy left me.


n i had to go to my cuz's house
kinda bored there actually.
cuz nobody to talk to...
wen i came back, i went to farah's
had some time to talk n all
she talked bout wat ana did

n we had a lil walk...

at night, something stupid happened

me, n my lil bros were eating burgers in the kitchen
i juz wanted to bite, wen

IRFAN came

irfan is my brothers best fren
well, kinda
since we were little,
we always fought.
he called me a
harimau berbulu
stupid person.

i was juz staring at him
while he was grinning like a moron

so i had to fiddle with kakak's tudung
n pegi salam aunty
she was like
aunty: besar nye fatin!
me: mana ada. kecik lah

*glanced at irfan*

he was laughing.
n i was wearing my jammies.

so i was like...
me: ahh... okay. nak pegi tukar baju
n wen i came back,
shafiq n irfan was gone
good god, thnk u!

then, while i was hearing wat my parents were talking bout
i had to call irfan back
cuz dia nak balik dah

he was like...
hi harimau berbulu!


he started making fun of me.
so i took a bottle
n hit his back.

then the war begins

he took a teddy orangutan
n i took a teddy panda
n we were hitting each other with it.

btw, irfan's a black belt in tae kwon do
me: hai-yah! *stupid moves*
him: hua-cha! *more stupid moves*
me: kung-fu panda! *throws panda*
him: kung-fu orangutan! *throws orangutan*

we fought
n fought
n fought
n fought

then, we stopped a bit.

he was on the table,
i was on the sofa
mom n aunty were kinda in the middle,

so me n irfan were making faces at each other

wen suddenly my mom looked at both of us n said
mom: ah, gaduh lah korang berdua.
dari kecik sampai besar asyik gaduh je.
tak ubah-ubah.

n wen he went home.
he hit me.
so i hit him back

n the war started again

i even chased him out of the house without wearing my stinkin shoes
in the end, i slapped him
n went upstairs
he didn't follow me of course

so, he was shouting
harimau berbulu!! hairy tiger! pengecut!

he got fed up n went away...

WHOO!!! *fist in the air*

even wen he went back, we made faces to each other

wen he was gone, my mom was like:
mom: apalah fatin ni
me: he started it first!
i thnk


so, today till tomorrow,
i'm gonna go back 2 melaka

at 1.00 tomorrow,
have to send shafiq to the airport
so i dunno if i could go to marina's open-house
i could.
but i'd be a bit late.


so... uh... i guess i'm going now.
luv y'all

irfan!!!! who cares if u get a stupid black belt! i won!!!
useless belt


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