˜٭♥þЯїйċỄ§§'ş ЌỉŋġÐỗM♥٭˜

i like to wonder a lot... wonder if my dreams would come true... if i have a happy ever after like in fairy tales...

Thursday, August 27, 2009






is there NOTHING to do here???


ehem, ehem...
*using weird accent*
dear susu.
i MUST say that i indeed agree
with ur description
of myself and my
astonishing behaviour

it is with great shame that
i must tell u that

wat to doooooooooooooo

fatin: hey, david archuleta!!!
susu: where? where???
i thought i juz heard him...
really? wat i juz heard was someone going to the toilet.
yeah. that's him.
owh. WAT?
how dare u mock my future husband!
wat? it's true
yh. but pity him lah man! maybe he ate a bad prawn or sumthing
kesian die... all alone in that big toilet.
*jaw dropping*
*burps out loud*
u two were meant to be together...
really? u think so???
awww how romantic!!!! *jumps up n down*
crazy woman...
oh! oh! oh! wat do u think my children would do???
(muttering) fart their way off to the dumps.
awwww~~~ that's so damn sweet!!!
oh! and then we could do a band!!!
u know... david could be like UGH!!!!!!!!!
and i'll be like BURP!!!!!!!
and our children would be like FART!!!!!!!
isn't that sweeett??? wat a lovely family!!!!!!!
*silently walks away*
oh! and then we could make a song
it will be tooooo lovely till everybody faints of happiness!!!!
and then alicia would want to do a song with us
oh! oh! oh!!!!!!!
and u can join it, fatin!!!!!
so??? waddya think???
*crickets sound*
fatin?!?!?! where'd she go???

i know ur laughing and ur fuming at me ryt now
but don't worry susu,
i won't join the band.

man, that was funnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

hmm.... i'm getting hungry.
i think i should eat ryt now.
(tak puasa)

well susu, i'm looking forward to wat u have to say bout this.
*wiggling eyebrows*
i'm such a nice fren...
aren't i???

well, c ya!!!
luv y'all a lot.
especially susu n her future-family.
even though they absolutely disgust me


i didn't think that i'd use this blog anymoreeeee

but i was bored
n i was (still am) on my death bed
wondering wat to do

so i juz wanted to tell u bout sumthing weird

my grandma came today.
i'm kinda close to her
n wen the others went to the surau
i was stuck grandma-sitting
cuz i couldn't pray

and then
and then
and thennnnnnnn

since i havn't spent a long time with atok.
she asked me wat i was doing
n i said i was playing the piano.

so she asked me to bring it downnnnn
and asked me to play it.
atok is gonna go to the hospital tomorrow.
she has to examine her legs.

grandma has only one leg.
left one
the right leg was run over by a car or sumthing
and i feel like i wanna
run over the driver right now

so i brought the keyboard downstairs
n we had a fun time together

juz grandma n her grand daughter.
i sang a lot
n she sang a bit too
atok likes music...
unlike ma n pa

then she told me sumthing funny

wen i was lil, atok babysat me
since mom n dad both worked

atok: tau tak, atin?
me: huh?
masa atin kecik kan... atin suka sangat nyanyi
tapi atin pelik sikit tau.
huh? knpa?
siang-siang, atin nyanyi. malam-malam, atin nangis
pastu atok tanya atin. 'knpa atin nangis?'
fatin kata apa?
'sebab atin memang nak nangis'

this may not be funny to u.
but it means a lot to me
cuz atok rarely comes to my house now

she goes from my cousin's house, to my other cousin
n then my other cousin, n my other cousin,
oh, oh, oh! n my cousin-in-law
n my other cousin in law...
n my other cousin...
n... u get the point.

n her leg was cut off about... umm... early this year???
and before that, it was agony.
we had to do from operation to operation.
using loads of money...
and worrying loads of people.
but in the end.
we juz had to face the truth

her leg would never heal.

i had a fun time.
n then we both lied on the bed and talked
n talked

it was nice....

to susu:
u crazy david archuleta fan-freak.
y did u move???
i'm wasting my time doing nothing here!!!
and i'm getting fatter cuz ur not chasing after me
i mizz u lotssssssssssssssss
luv u sista!

to aina:
u baboon!!! knapa nana ni malas sgt.
duduk kat rumah tgk one peace jer kerja
zero sepak kang! baru tau.
move that big butt of urs~~~~
so lazy... hehe
gomen ne.
oh! n happy belated b'day.
n i DO deserve to be hanged by giving u that card...
aaaah!!!!! Zero-kun nampak lain giler.
should have erased those eyes.

to iza:
i hope u haven't hugged pooh bear too tight.
he'll die.
i wonder how ur b'day went.
must be fun, huh?
miss u a lot.
luv u.

to dyana:
x datang tution for a looooooooooong time
i hope ur not THAT mad.
oh, n hari ni x dapat nak gi sbb x de transport.
ma was out n pa was at work.
soowiiiii tau!!!!!!!!!!!
oh, and u know i love u.

to farah:
dude!!!!!!!!!!!! don't EVER feel guilty.
i mean, even though u did those stuff,
doesn't mean that i'll get mad and toss u into the sea or sumthing
i love u n nothing u could do can stop me from being ur fren!!!
n everybody makes mistakes,
so chillax.
i'll be by ur side.

to everyone that i know and love,
i mizz u guyz a lot.

and to everyone that i know (or don't know) who hates me
... ur choice ...

but i don't really mind if u mock me that much...
i mean... it's juz words rite?
no harm done
if u mock my frens
or my family
especially atok.

now i'm wondering....
y i'm blabbing so muuuuuuchhhhhh.

oh well.

the main thing is.

i love u guys.
and that's that.

p.s: susu, u still talk tooo much compared to me.