˜٭♥þЯїйċỄ§§'ş ЌỉŋġÐỗM♥٭˜

i like to wonder a lot... wonder if my dreams would come true... if i have a happy ever after like in fairy tales...

Thursday, December 31, 2009


i was just surfing the internet
and i bumped into this quote
which is kinda amusing...

'When your dreams turn to dust,
vacuum it.'

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

time to clean my room~

it's the last day of 2009
a.k.a the most boring year so far
bcuz no drama happened
(somehow i wish some drama could happen)
beats me why.

i haven't cleaned my room yet.
one corner of my room is filled with books, papers, files, bags, plastics and god knows what.
the other side of my room is filled with ribbons, more books, flowers, decos, plastics, strings, pencils and more stuff that i'm not sure that i wanna know.

and mom keeps bragging to me to clean my room.
so i have to do it today.
which i'm too lazy to do.
but i guess i have to
bcuz my form 3 text books are in a pile
instead of on my shelf
which is filled with nonsense.

time for me to becoe a maid.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

i just got a hair cut.

i just got a hair cut.
which made my hair shorter (obviously)
and my hair looks like some fashion
that the japanese guys have.
you know, a long fringe on one side of the head
which covers your eye so you can only see with one eye
even though you have two.

yeah. that hairstyle.

i went to aina's house so we could finish our homework
-but we didn't which isn't surprising at all-
and you know wat she says???

'oh my god, fatin! you look like a hot japanese BOY'

you GOTTA be KIDDING me.
and it doesn't end there...

'kalau fatin btul2 lelaki kan, i might fall for you'


aina, you seriously need a crush to cling on
aiyaaa~~~ apalah aina ni.

p/s: i'm a pure GIRL

Sunday, December 27, 2009


as a good friend of
*out of breath*
i juz wanna say


did i get anything wrong???
he IS 19, isn't he??? or is he 99??? o.O
ahaha. jk, jk!
susu, don't kill me!!!

this picture down here is expressing
David Archuleta's real feelings...

"owh mai gawd!!!!! i'm getting OLDER BY THE SECOND!!!!
what happened to my YOUTH??? pretty girls won't chase after me
anymore!!!!" *got shot by susu*

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


i think i just heard a ghost.
no kidding.

this is creepy.
and i don't like it.

you know that i sleep at 4 ryt?
well, it was 3.20 and i wanted to go to the toilet
there's actually a train track
a bit further away from my house
so when i was in the toilet
i heard the train pass
then suddenly there was the sound of a girl screaming/shouting/screeching/laughing
-i know how a train sounds, so i'm not wrong-
and then all the dogs behind my house started barking
it was so weird...
i was in shock, and i couldn't move.
i couldn't even think straight
all i thought was
Ya Allah, Ya Allah, Please protect me, Please Ya Allah.
and to make things worse,
i'm having my monthly cycle.
and i was in the toilet.

soon... the screaming faded
along with the passing train,
and the dogs stopped barking
now i just wanna share this
cuz i'm not exactly calm
i'm not exactly panicing either

to make myself calmer,
i opened my door to see if syafiq was outside
-he prefers sleeping in front of the tv outside-
and he was there
i don't even know how that makes me calmer
cuzhe was snoring his head off
so now i'm listening to cheerful songs
and trying to forget this incident
it's not the worst that i got

i'm juz a bit shocked, that's all.
susu, i wish you were here, even though u might be asleep
it's getting creepy and lonely here.

omg, omg, omg
somethinng juz knocked my window
i'm scared, i'm scared, i'm scared
i want u here, i wanna hug u
jeezz... can't it leave me alone????
i think i'm gonna sleep now
or at least pretend to
love u all.
Ya Allah, Protect me please...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

juz blabbing at 4 in the morning

if you're wondering why i'm not asleep yet,
it's because i have jet lag
wgich makes me
sleep at 4 AM
and wake up at 12PM.

since i had nothing to do.
i watched this japanese movie
which was a bad idea
because it made me cry my eyes out.

i mean, like, seriously cry my eyes out
by the time the movie finished,
my eyes,
were as red as my lips
-which made me look like a ghost-
and they were so puffy
which made me have lines both above and under my eyes.
and then the corner of my pillow
was soaking wet.

why do i have to be so emotional????
but seriously, that movie was touching and sad.
i think i cried like... 95% or something
the name of the movie is koizora
juz if u were wondering
and if you watch it, and not cry,
that means ur not a human being.


i'm still crying by the way
while you people are sleeping,
Fatin Raihana binti Mohd Azha,
am crying because i watched
the most saddest movie ever
which finished at 4.10 AM.

and susu~~~
wen's the sleepover
-even though it's not on your birthday-
i'll juz have to live with it

why did the movie have to end like that?!?!?!?!
(no censor this time, huh?)

good morning everyone,
it's time for me to go to bed.
(while my pillow is still soaked and my eyes are still red and puffy)

Friday, December 11, 2009

wat happened this morning

i'm in a lazy-sleepy state right now
so i don't wanna say a lot...
i juz woke up -again-
and i feel hungry -well, that's a first for today-
the only thing i've been doing today is
i woke up to pray
and then i remembered that i had to wake up the sleeping zombie
so then i called her...
and again
and again
and again
but she didn't pick up.

so then i gave her a message
and called her again
and again
till... eventually
i fell asleep myself.

wen i woke up from my slumber
the sleeping zombie
replied my message saying
'Wei. Sorry! My phone was out of battery xD'



dear milky,
this is a message from urbestbud
(i'm sorry but i'm too lazy to put some freakin' space)

we can have our 'meeting' anywhere, anytime
i don't really mind
but jeeezz,
ur a magnet for disaster huh???
guess who's worse, me or you.

about ur souvenir,
it's just a little stuff that you could probably buy anywhere
so don't get ur hopes up gurl,
it'll be crashing to the ground when you see it.
oh! and your birthday present isn't a big thing either
so don't make me more guilty than i am now, k?
no jumping around me, going
fatin! fatin! i want my souvenir!!! and my present too!!!
because it'll look like me giving
hairball to a big hairy fat hyper monkey like you...
well, of course the person who's giving the hairball is a monkey too...
but you get my point

(sorry bout all the animal stuff-thingy. south africa is really chugging animals in my head)
it's getting pretty crazy too.

and of course i would love to jog in the morning with you
*mumbles*because i know that ur butt is getting fatter
but that means ur living and eating and not over-reacting till you have a hunger strike
so i guess that's good
and if you are, stop narrowing your eyes at the computer screen
my face aint there, honey, i can't see your glare. i'm so sorry~
fine! fine!
yes, i'm getting fatter too,
r ya happy????

i'll have to post bout my time in south africa
i was a week there and i'm too lazy to do it.
oh well, i have pictures too
well, since i'm not a good photographer
just ignore the ugliness of how i took it.

and i'm so exhausted
14 hours in the plane is a lot to take in, ya know
but it's not that i didn't like it in the plane,
(since dad got us all in first class)
but i miss sitting and sleeping on land
instead of flying over the clouds

i wanna relax now...
tired to death...
i'll go update bout sout africa later
and we can jog in the moning tomorrow if you want
see ya!

p.s: love you susu! but i know that you know that.
i know that you know that i know that you know u know yunho too.
did you get that??? :)
now smile, don't scrunch your face up, you'll get wrinkles

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


i know that i don't use this blog often
but i am seriously bored and i have nothing to do right now.

right now i'm going to cape town, south africa
unlike my brothers, i'm not really psyched about it
but i guess i'll have some fun with my family.
(i wanna go to japan)

my flight's at 1.20 am
yeas.... 1.20 AM
and right now i'm at KLIA
in the golden lounge
and there's 2 computers here
so my brothers were fighting over it
and i had to knock their heads to make them shut up
and bla di bla di bla
and now i'm here
using the internet
and trying to shooh away my boredom
it's not working at ALL

but at least i'm happy that i'm doing something

dear susu,
yes, big butty, you
it's 12.45 AM
and i'm at the airport
waiting for my freakin' airoplane
oh... and did i mention???
and of course i'll wonder around...
getting lost
seeing new people
getting lost
fighting with my brothers
getting lost
thinking of my friends
getting lost
getting lost
getting lost.

and duh! i'd obviously buy something for you
a good luck charm so
you can never be with
oh! oh! i know!
a voodoo doll!!!
waddya think???

i gotta go
guess that i need to go to the gate
luve you all!!!